No more wrinkles!

Dr. Tanya Kormeili

1260 Fifteenth Street, Suite 709
Santa Monica
(310) 917-4433

What Are Wrinkles?

07/23/2013 03:57

What are wrinkles? Can we get rid of wrinkles?

Dynamic wrinkles are those that are as a result of every day and normal facial expression, and movements. Nothing can help these wrinkles heal, unless the underlying forces from the muscle are decreased. This means that the face get some rest from those normal expressions for a while. These injections relax the muscles and prevent those daily expressions for several days from creating deep lines on to the skin.

Dr. Kormeili is a nationally recognized Board Certified dermatologist, and Clinical Professor in Dermatology David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, as well as Cedars- Sinai Medical Center. She has been featured extensively in the media, including televison for her expertise.

Dr. Kormeili says"

"Wrinkles are one of the most frequently areas asked to be solved and treated in dermatology. People want to know what they can do about their wrinkles. How they can look younger!"

"To really understand how to treat a wrinkle we need to think of the wrinkle in terms of what type of the wrinkle is. We have wrinkles that are at rest. If you make no expressions on your face, you still have that wrinkle. They can be fine wrinkles or deep wrinkles but doesn't have any movement you still have those wrinkles. For those we have to do laser treatments or creams."

Wrinkles Treatment - Lots of Laughter but no Laugh Lines
Lots of Laughter but no Laugh Lines!

"But what about wrinkles that come as a result of expressions? like frowning or moving your forehead up, or when you smile, those little lines that show up here (on your forehead). To be able to get ride of that wrinkle that is created by the muscle movement, we have to be able to take that muscle and relax it. Give those facial muscles a temporary rest."

"What happens is as we go through life we are constantly using our face muscles to make expressions in our daily life. After certain period of time our muscles have done so many powerful expressions on our face that the skin has become stretched, damaged and it forms lines. We often have those lines even if we don't make any expression after certain period of time."

"It's very important to be able to get ride of these wrinkles that come as a result of muscle movement before they get really deep."


"As soon as you stat making expressions and you see that there is line forming it's the time to actually start treating with either Botox, Dysport or the newest form of facial muscle relaxer, Xeomin."

"The way it is done is by series of injections that stop the muscle from contracting that much so the skin has a chance to recover, heal and get rid of those wrinkles as a result of getting rid of that muscle movement."

"Now, many people always ask me: "I don't want to look fake, I don;t ant to look overdone. How can I do it so I look natural?
The answer to that is to be able to use just the right amount and put it in areas where we just relax the muscle in a very natural contour"

Call me at (310) 917-4433 for a consultation to see if my treatments are right for you!

Thanks for reading this article.

Dr Tanya Kormeili-Dermatologist-Santa Monica
Dr Tanya Kormeili-Dermatologist-Santa Monic













Dr. Tanya Kormeili











